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The following terms are used throughout the documentation.

hashA digital fingerprint of a sequence of bytes.
dAppDecentralized application
HNHyperChain Network
BNBlockChain Network
BootnodeBootnodes that helps HNs and BNs to register themselves in the network and to discover other nodes to connect to.
SNC​SNC is the main internal transferable cryptocurrency of HyperChain and is used to pay transaction fees when creating or executing operations or when transferring SNC.
Block rewardNewly issued SNC and the sum of transaction fees used in the block
HMCHyperChain Mined Coin
BMCBlockChain Mined Coin
OperationA transaction container that plays a role similar to that of an existing blockchain. A transaction that can do more than just value on the HyperChain Network.
accountA record in the HyperChain ledger that either holds data or is an executable program. Addressable by a key, often referred to as a public key or pubkey.

The key may be one of:
- secp256k1
- secp384r1
- sect283k1
- secp521r1
account ownerThe address of the program that owns the account. Only the owning program is capable of modifying the account.
blockIt is a set of contiguous entries in the ledger. It has a 1-4-3 structure.
blockhashA unique value hash that identifies a record block.
block heightThe number of blocks beneath the current block.
genesis blockThe 0 ~ 4 block in the chain.
keypairA public key and corresponding private key for accessing an account.
private keyThe private key of a keypair.
public key (pubkey)The public key of a keypair.
signatureA signature of R and S. Each operation must have at least one signature
tokenAssets made with Instant Token System.
coinA minable crypto cuerrency registered when an independent network is formed.
walletA collection of keypairs that allows users to manage their funds.