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Data Type

RPC Calls could include/return these data types:

  • Integers, strings, boolean (true or false) or null
  • HEXASTRING: String that contains an hexadecimal value (ex. "AAAFFFEE"). An hexadecimal string is always an even character length.
  • JSON "specific" Objects: List of some objects returned by RPC calls and used for many methods: (See each method to know which object returns)

Block Object

A "Block object" is a JSON object with information about a Blockchain's block.

Fields are:

blockIntegerBlock Number
verIntegerNet protocol version
ver_aIntegerNet protocol available
timestampIntegerTimestamp of the Block
nopspIntegerAction value of block
niopspIntegerInAction value of block
hmrIntegerProtocol reward of block
blocksizeIntegerSize of block
hashHEXASTRINGHash of block
one_hashHEXASTRINGHash of block - 1
four_hashHEXASTRINGHash of block - 4
three_hashHEXASTRINGHash of block - 3
payloadHEXASTRINGBlock Payload
trx_feeIntegerOperation Fee of block
operationsIntegerOperation count of block

Block Sync Object

A "Block Sync Object" is a JSON object with information about a block sync status.

Fields are:

startingBlockIntegerThe block at which the sync started
currentBlockIntegerThe current block, same as getBlockCount
highestBlockIntegerThe estimated highest block

Account Object

A "Account object" is a JSON object with information about a Wallet.

Fields are:

accountIntegerWallet Number
updated_activeIntegerWallet active Block
updated_passiveIntegerWallet passive Block
n_operationIntegerOperations made by this account
balanceIntegerSNC Quantity
walletIntegerWallet Address
volume_lockIntegerLock SNC Quantity
volume_timelockIntegerTImeLock SNC Quantity
stateIntegerWallet Status(Human readable)

PrivateKey Object

A "PrivateKey object" is a JSON object with information about a Wallet Privatekey.

Fields are:

statusBooleanPrivateKey Status
privHEXASTRINGEncoded PrivateKey

SignMessage Object

A "SignMessage object" is a JSON object with information about a Wallet SignMessage.

Fields are:

walletStringWallet Address
msgStringOrigin Message
encHEXASTRINGEncrypt Public Key
versionIntegerWallet Version

Node Object

A "Node object" is a JSON object with information about a Node Server.

Fields are:

readyBooleanMust be true, otherwise Node is not ready to execute operations
ready_sStringHuman readable information about ready or not
status_sStringHuman readable information about node status. Running, downloading chain, discovering servers.
portIntegerServer port
timestampIntegerTimestamp of the Node Server
netprotocolJsonObjectNetwork Protocol
blocksIntegerChain blocks
datafolderStringNode Data Directory
netstatsJsonObjectNetwork Info
nodeserversJsonArrayNode Server Info

Network Protocol Object

A "Network Protocol Object" is a JSON object with information about NetProtocol.

Fields are:

verIntegerNet protocol version
ver_aIntegerNet protocol available

Network Infomation Object

A "Network Infomation Object" is a JSON object with information about Network.

Fields are:

activeIntegerNumber of active network connections
clientsIntegerNumber of client connections
serversIntegerNumber of server connections with responses
servers_tIntegerTotal number of server connections
totalIntegerTotal number of network connections
tclientsIntegerTotal number of network client connections
tserversIntegerTotal number of network server connections
breceivedIntegerbytes received
bsendIntegerbytes sent
ipsIntegerNumber of IP Lists node have

Node Server Infomation Object

A "Node Server Infomation Object" is a JSON object with information about Node Server.

Fields are:

ipStringNode server IP address you have
portIntegerNode server Port
lastconIntegerLast communication time with node server
attemptsIntegerNumber of attempts to connect to the node server

Connection Object

A "Connection Object" is a JSON object with a connection to other node information.

Fields are:

serverBooleanTrue if this connection is to a server node. False if this connection is a client node.
ipStringNode IP
portIntegerNode Port
secsIntegerseconds of live of this connection
sentIntegerbytes sent
recvIntegerbytes received
appverStringapplication version
netverIntegerNet protocol version
netver_aIntegerNet protocol available
timediffIntegerNet timediff of other node (vs my node)

BlackList Object

A "BlockList Object" is a JSON object with a connection to blacklist node information.

Fields are:

blacklistJsonArrayBlacklist Infomation Object
totalIntegerTotal number of blacklist nodes.

BlackList Information Object

"BlackList Information Object" is a JSON object containing the Blacklist information of a node.

Fields are:

ipStringNode IP
portIntegerNode Port
LastConnectionStringLast communication time
reasonStringReasons for registration with Blacklist

Operation Object

A "Operation Object" is a JSON object with a information about an operation.

Fields are:

blockIntegerBlock number (only When the operation is confirmed).
timeIntegerBlock timestamp (only When the operation is confirmed).
opblockIntegerOperation index inside a block (0..operations-1).
maturationIntegerReturn null when operation is not included on a blockchain yet.
optypeIntegerOperation type.
subtypeIntegerOperation Subtype.
nopspIntegerOperation Stemina(Activity) Point.
niopspIntegerOperation Stemina(Activity) Inner Point.
opriceIntegerOperation Act Price.
iopriceIntegerOperation Act Inner Price.
signer_accountStringSigner Wallet Address.
n_operationIntegerOperations made by Signer Wallet.
amountIntegerAmount of coins transferred from sender wallet to receiver wallet.
sendersJsonArraySender Standard Object
receiversJsonArrayReceiver Wallet List.
optxtStringHuman readable operation type.
ophashHEXASTRINGOperation hash used to find this operation in the chain.

Raw Operation Object

A "Raw Operation Object" is a JSON object with information about a signed operation made by "rawSendTo".

Fields are:

amountIntegerTotal Amount.
actionIntegerTotal Action.
actpriceIntegerAction Price.
feeIntegerCalculated fee.
rawoperationHEXASTRINGThis is the operations in raw format.

Sender Standard Object

A "Sender Standard Object" is a JSON object that contains the "Sender" standard information of an Operation.

Fields are:

accountStringWallet Address.
payloadHEXASTRINGWallet Payload.
payload_typeIntegerWallet Payload Type.

Token Holder Object

A "Token Holder Object" is a JSON object with a information about token holder.

Fields are:

transferBooleanToken transferability
balanceIntegerToken Balance
walletStringWallet Address
volumeLockIntegerLock Token Quantity
volumeTimeLockIntegerTImeLock Token Quantity

Token Info Object

A "Token Info Object" is a JSON object with a information about token creation.

Fields are:

totalHolderBooleanNumber of token holders
advancedBooleanAvailability of function
symbolStringToken Symbol
nameStringToken Name
summaryStringToken Summary
issuerStringIssuer wallet Address
ownerStringOwner wallet Address
decimalIntegerToken decimal(Max. 18)
totalAmountIntegerToken Issue Amount

Part Node Object

A "Part Node Object" is a JSON object with a information of an Node Participation.

Fields are:

nodeIndexIntegerNode participation order.
penaltyIntegerPenalty for Cancellation (%).
nodeWalletStringNode Participation Wallet.
minerWalletStringNode Participation Mining Wallet.
stateStringParticipating node status(MN,SN,STN).
startTimestampIntegerStart time for participation.
lockTimeIntegerLockup time.
codeStringNode participation code.
stepStringIndicates the current state of the participating node.

Part Sub Node Object

A "Part Sub Node Object" is a JSON object with a information of an Node Participation.

Fields are:

walletStringSub-Node Participation Wallet.
amountStringCoins to participate (SNC)
stateStringParticipating node status(Waiting for approval,Approval for participation,Waiting for H/W approval,Final approval for participation,Sub-node is done).